
Incorporated in 1933, this Association is the recognized Cotton Association
for the whole of Pakistan. All sections of the trade are represented on
the Board of Directors. Maintains a code of fair and equitable trading
practices in the form of rules, regulations and bye-laws. Maintains a
suitable set of standards for classification of Cotton and provides for
just settlement of disputes. It handles matters affecting the general
interests of the cotton trading community. It offers the buyers and
sellers opportunities to obtain useful information regarding the ruling
cotton prices and current market conditions throughout the world.
Adjudication of disputes on quality is carried out by a Panel of Surveyors
under the blind survey system. Arbitration facilities are also provided
for disputes arising out of the various contracts.
In 2019 -2020, Pakistan cotton production was recorded as 8.60 million
bales, ex-Gin as on 18.03.2020. Pakistan ranks as the fourth largest cotton producing country
in the world, meeting substantial requirements of its growing textile
industry and providing sufficient surplus for export. The domestic textile
industry has grown phenomenally during the past several years, making
Pakistan as one of the largest exporter of cotton yarn, fabrics, garments
and textile made-ups.
Pakistan is a leading exporter of good quality cotton catering to the
global requirements of the the textile industry.