The Karachi Cotton Association has set-up a Cotton Fiber Testing Laboratory housed within the premises of The KCA for the benefit of Trade with the financial assistance of Export Development Fund of the Ministry of Commerce, Government of Pakistan.

2. The Laboratory is equipped with the following SPINLAB Fiber Testing equipment viz:-

i) High Volume Instrument (HVI) Spectrum

3. The tests are being conducted by qualified Laboratory Personnel.

4. Test requisition slip (Annex-I) can be downloaded by the prospective party for Tests required by them on payment of Fee as under:-




1 Micronaire by Porter Micronaire/Fibronaire N / A -
2 Strength and Elongation by Stelometer N / A -
3 Fiber Length, Short Fiber Index and uniformity ratio by fibrograph N / A -
4 Complete HVI test 225/-
5 Spinning Consistancy Index (SCI) N / A -
6 Maturity Index N / A-
7 Micronaire (Mic) N / A -
8 Length (len) N / A -
9 Uniformity Index (Unf) N / A -
10 Short Fibre Index (SFI) N / A -
11 Strength (Str) N / A -
12 Elongation (Elg) N / A -
13 Reflectance (Rd) N / A -
14 Yellowness (+b) N / A -
15 Color Grade (C Grade) N / A -
16 Trash Count (Tr Cnt) N / A -
17 Trash Area (Tr Area ) N / A -
18 Trash Grade (Tr Grade) N / A -
19 Classification of Export Type Rolls 100/-


5. Parties desirous of getting their samples tested by The KCA Lab. may send their samples weighing atleast ONE KG of cotton alongwith the prescribed fee indicated above alongwith charges for selected mode of advisement of results.

6. The results of Test can be sent by fax or e-Mail/courier on payment of charges as indicated below:-

i) Email Free of cost
ii) Local Courier Rs. 5/-
iii) Up-country courier Rs. 25/-
7. Special discount for conducting test of Cotton Samples at KCA Lab., as Under:

From 01 to 99 sample/per calendar year. NIL

From 100 to 199 samples " " " " 10%

From 200 to 399 samples " " " " 15%



Copyright © 2004-2005 Karachi Cotton Association, All rights reserved.